martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Summary #7 (How heredity works)

What is a code? Have you ever made one? Braille is a code that stands for words and letters. The three letter code on bagage tags tell airport workers where to send your bag. Another type of code is found in every cell of your body. It controls traits that develop in every offspring. How do you think it works?

What do you think Mendel's factors are? Where are they? Mendel's factors are inside cells.They are actually molecules founded in chromosomes inside the cell nucleus .Mendel realized that all organism have two copies of each factor-one factor come from each parent. Scientist called this factors genes ( a portion of a chromosome that controls a particular trait).
 How genes control traits? Genes are portion of a long, complex molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. It contains the codes that tell each cell how to operate.The genetic characteristic of every living organism ara contained in the organism's DNA. The DNA's shape looks like a spiral staircase. The steps of the staircase are made of chemical compounds or bases. The four DNA bases are cytosine,adenine,guanine , thymine.

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