sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

Vocabulary #10 (Stars)

  1. star: a large, hot ball of gases, wich is held together by gravity and gives off its own light
  2. parallax: the apparent shift in an object's location when viewed from two positions
  3. light-year: the distance light travels in a year
  4. constellation: a number of stars that appear to form a pattern
  5. magnitude: the brightness of a star
  6. nebula: a cloud of gas and dust in space
  7. supernova: a star that explodes
  8. black hole: a object whose gravity is so strong that light cannot scape
Sentences and illustrations:

1. Stars are at different distances from Earth.

2. The closer the star is, the greater the parallax.

3. Astronomers use the light-year unit to describe the distances in space.

4. For example, Rigel is a star in the the constellation Orion.

5. The word magnitude is used to describe the brightness of a star.

6. A star begins its life as a nebula.

7. A supernova is a star that explodes.

8. When a star colapse it becomes a black hole.

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