miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Summary #12 (The Endocrine System)

 Did you ever wonder how you grow? Why does your body changes as you became a teenager. The changes are controled by a chemical in your bloodstream. Your body uses this chemical to control how it works.
 This chemicals are called hormones and they control body functions by influencing how cell works. Only when hormones reach their target they can produce a change in your body. The gland that produces hormones is called endocrine glands and they make up the endocrine system. Every hormone seeks out a target organ- the place in the body where hormones act. A target organ has special receptor cells that respond in a specific way to to a hormone .Too much or even to little hormones can cause serious diseases. Your body depends on a process called biological feedback to determine when to release a hormone and when to stop.
 There are six glands belonging to the endocrine system: the pituitary gland is encharged the body growth, the thyroid gland that controls the rate at wich your cells use oxygen to release the energy in food, the parathyroid gland that help control how much calcium is in your blood, the adrenal glands that control the adrenaline hormone, the reproductive hormone that produce sex hormones, and the hypothalamus that makes hormones that tell the pituitary gland wich of its hormones to start or stop producing.

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